Organisation is Key to Business Growth | Declutter Articles | Gioia Ltd Organisation is Key to Business Growth | Declutter Articles | Gioia Ltd

Organisation is Key to business growth

We often hear the catch cry: “don’t just work IN your business, work ON your business”. However, when we’re busy in the day to day running of our business, it’s often difficult to find the time to actually work on building the business.

Organise your business

Being organised is vital. This includes the physical environment, such as the positioning of our desk and resources. If we are trying to work in a cluttered office surrounded by equipment, paper, files and books, chances are we will find it difficult to focus and concentrate on the job at hand for any length of time.

Creating the ideal space in which to work, and streamlining your processes and systems, will not only make your working day more pleasurable, it will also cut down on stress and frustration, and allow for more productive time to work on your business.

Decluttering and organising go hand in hand to first establish the desired work environment. Processes and systems follow, and these may be many and varied. They may include project forecasts which allow you to see at a glance where the work is coming from, and when projects will come to fruition. Clear marketing plans with a timeline will keep you focused on what needs to be done next to grow your business. And week by week client activity reports keep you in touch with past actions and what follow up is required.

Efficient database systems will improve client relations as we’re able to instantly bring to our screen a copy of the last conversation with a client, track progress on a client project, and even have reminders set up to send those important clients a birthday card.

Being organised may sound boring to some, however the benefits are immense. Freeing up time to sit quietly and project the next steps in your business becomes exciting.

“It’s about creating simple ways of getting everything done, with the minimum of fuss. Once processes have been established everything becomes easier, less stressful and we find that elusive thing called balance in our lives,” explains Angella Gilbert. Gioia is about really enjoying our work environment, and getting pleasure out of every part of our day.

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“Thank you, Angella, straight from my heart, for your inspiration and encouragement to make ‘decluttering’ a positive experience. It’s JOY to work with you, it’s JOY to see these external changes creating new pathways to a greater lifestyle and it’s JOY to be self-empowered in the process of learning to apply your very valuable strategies for clarity, order and decision.”

Adriane Beate von Strauch